ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Dan's Blog


Starting situation

In the last post written about 3 days ago, I said that I was proud of my treadmill running accomplishments. Unfortunately, I haven't been running on a treadmill ever since. Today is the third day streak of me not running on a treadmill, and by Velos I will NOT make today be another day of failure. Nor do I plan on spending another day without reading at least 20 pages of any book. But that's for another post.

In order for me to sort out my thoughts and any immediate matters let me divide my health into 5 categories:


Let's cut it straight. Every decision is a ballot cast for a candidate of your life. If I decide to eat only fast food today, but for the rest of the week eat only healthy, then it's 6-1 vote. Yesterday I ate a whole box of SuperKontik (type of chocolate cookies that have way more calories and sugar in it than acceptable), the day before I was chugging chicken nuggets with fries chicken nuggets. But the way I was eating them was not reasonable. It was not conscious eating: I did not reward myself for good work this week, I was eating eat like I have an addiction. Even though I wasn't hungry anymore I still was determined to finish the whole box, motivated by the taste not by the hunger. This is bad, and I need to do something about it.

I should also learn how to cook. I don't know why but I always found the prospects of having to cook and wait in order to satisfy your craving not worth it. I thought that it is much better to eat something now than to spend your time researching recipes and choosing ingredients. However, I must realize the errors of my ways that is if I want to live a fulfilling life.


Never wanted to be an athlete. I don't know how can the people just hike for 40 km, or run a marathon just for fun or recreation purposes. Frankly, I've never tried, of course, but it doesn't sound very enticing. I also never wanted to be a bodybuilder, I just don't like the look of all those muscles, especially people who always wear tank tops and showing off themselves. What I do want to do is establish some simple routines that would help me keep my body fit.

I need to engage in some simple activities that will make me love the minor stress levels that I produce. The ones that aren't too hard, so it is attractive, but also rewarding (which tbh all of the exercises are, just how dopamine works i guess). The list of thing to do should be:

Those two habits would greatly increase my health to the merits that I am probably not even aware of.


Nothing too much to say, need to but new glasses, and take better care of them. Maybe even buy myself some lenses, although I a, not sure how good I will look with them. It is of course too soon to talk about the laser correction, but nothing's off the table.

Skin & Hair

Now this is important. I don't take care of my skin, nor do I take care of my hair. I need to dwell into the different chemicals: shampoos and balsams alike to increase the softness and firmness of my skin. Of course, this is the step that greatly increase my overall appearance and likeableness. I should also probably cut my hair, and finally pick up the hairline I want instead of relying on the natural growth of them in a way that I would like.


I experienced such a pain when I went to the dentist last time, mainly because I believe that I was not administered the sufficient dosage of painkillers. And it was about 1.5-2 years ago, and I haven't been to one ever since. I hate this, but I also have this inept fear of pain that it will cause. I guess I just need to find a good place to fix my teeth never mind the price. I should also do this before I go to the US because the prices there are not something I would be able to afford. Healthcare is, unfortunately, quite expensive there.